During the Fall of 1980, a group of Omega brothers met at the home of Brother William Q. Thompson and discussed the desire to establish a chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. in Hartsville, South Carolina.
The Brothers present at the meeting were: Brother Steve Cobb, Brother Charles Govan, Brother Ernest Nicolson, Brother T.B. Thomas, Jr., and Brother W.Q. Thompson.
The Supreme Council of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. agreed to allow the chartering of the Alpha Beta Beta Chapter (#808) in Hartsville, South Carolina on March 14th, 1981. The Charter member Brothers were: Bro. Alvin Arnold, Bro. Steve Cobb, Bro. Charles Govan, Bro. Dale Jordan, Bro. Ernest Nicolson, Bro. T.B. Thomas, Jr., Bro. T.B. Thomas III, and Bro. W.Q. Thompson.
At the 3rd Sixth District Council Meeting held in Florence, South Carolina, District Representative Brother S.P. Woodard and 1st. Vice District Representative Brother C. Tyrone Gilmore presented Brother Charles Govan with the charter for the newly formed Alpha Beta Beta Chapter of Hartsville, South Carolina.
The original officers of the Alpha Beta Beta Chapter were Brothers W.Q. Thompson-Basileus, Charles Govan-Vice Basileus, Steve Cobbs-Keeper of Records and Seals, Ernest Nicholson-Keeper of Finance, and T.B. Thomas-Chaplain.
The first group of initiated members into Alpha Beta Beta were Brothers Robert L. Grooms, Alvin T. Heatley, and Franklin Hines. The second group of initiates included Brothers Evans Gilliard, Jr., Philip W. Moses II, Burnett Gallman, and the late Walter W. Ellerby.
Since its inception, many young men from various areas of the United States have been affiliated with and initiated into this chapter.
We have continuously promoted Omega’s Mandated Programs such as the Talent Hunt and Achievement Week programs, which provide scholarships and mentoring services to high school students in the communities of Darlington County, while continuing the Cardinal Principles of Manhood, Scholarship, Perseverance, and Uplift of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.
Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. is the first international fraternal organization founded on the campus of a historically black college.
On the evening of November 17, 1911, Omega Psi Phi was founded inside the Science Building (later renamed Thirkield Hall) at Howard University located in Washington, D.C. The founders were three undergraduates — Edgar Amos Love, Oscar James Cooper, and Frank Coleman. Joining them was their faculty adviser, Ernest Everett Just.
From the initials of the Greek phrase meaning, “friendship is essential to the soul“, the name Omega Psi Phi was derived. That phrase was selected as the motto.
Manhood, Scholarship, Perseverance, and Uplift were adopted as Cardinal Principles.
On November 23, 1911, Edgar A. Love became the first Grand Basileus (National President). Oscar J. Cooper and Frank Coleman were selected to be the Grand Keeper of the Records (National Secretary) and Grand Keeper of Seals (National Treasurer), respectively. Eleven undergraduate men were selected to become the charter members.
Alpha chapter was organized with fourteen charter members on December 15, 1911. Brothers Edgar A. Love, Oscar J. Cooper and Frank Coleman were elected the chapter’s first Basileus, Keeper of Records, and Keeper of Seals, respectively.
Brother Cooper became the fraternity’s second Grand Basileus in 1912 and authorized the investigation of establishing a second chapter on the campus of Lincoln University located in Pennsylvania.
Brother Love was elected as the third Grand Basileus in 1912 and served until 1915. In 1912, Howard University officials did not initially recognize the fraternity as a national organization and Omega Psi Phi’s leadership refused to accept limited recognition. As a result, the fraternity operated without official sanction, until the university withdrew its opposition in 1914, the same year Beta chapter was chartered at Lincoln University.
Omega Psi Phi was incorporated under the laws of the District of Columbia on October 28, 1914.